Find the rental home of your dreams

You can find a suitable home regardless of your life situation from our extensive offering of rental apartments. Familiarise yourself with the available rental apartments and submit an apartment application.

Välittäjä käy läpi sopimusta kahden asiakkaan kanssa pöydän äärellä uusissa tiloissa Retta

Do you need help to find a tenant?

Leasing a property is easy and safe when an experienced leasing agent is looking for reliable tenant candidates for you. The rent level is determined on the basis of market information, which means it should satisfy both you and the future tenant. We make 13,000 lease agreements annually. Use Retta leasing agency services to lease your property and save time and money, with the entire leasing process overseen by a professional from start to finish.

Isä ja poika iloitsevat ja nauravat muuttolaatikoiden keskellä Retta

Find your new rental home today!

Our extensive selection of rental homes includes a suitable home for all needs and life situations. After finding a suitable apartment from our selection, please submit an apartment application to us and we will direct you to the letting agent responsible for leasing the apartment. If an apartment suitable for your needs is not currently available, you can also sign up as a tenant applicant by submitting an apartment application.

OmaRM service for tenants

The OmaRM service is Retta Management’s digital housing service channel for tenants. OmaRM is available on all common devices, even phones.

You can sign in to the OmaRM service for the first time with a mobile certificate or your bank credentials. After this, you can sign in with the credentials created upon registering.

Useful links for tenants

Frequently asked questions

Please read our frequently asked questions to ensure smooth use of our services.

Terminating a lease agreement

Terminating a lease agreement can be done conveniently electronically.

Available rental apartments

Our selection of rental apartments includes almost a thousand available homes. Check it out and find a suitable apartment for yourself!

Leave an apartment application

If an apartment suitable for your needs is not currently available, you can also sign up as a tenant applicant by submitting an apartment application.