Contact us
Retta Asuntovuokraus

Use the online services

The OmaRM service is an digital housing service channel for tenants. Note! The service is not available for tenants of Ilmarinen or LocalTapiola.

Contact details

Find the contact details for the local customer service and the rental agents. Our rental experts have years of experience with which to serve you.

Leave your apartment for rent

We are happy to help you find a reliable tenant for your apartment. Leave a contact request and our agent will contact you soon!

Töihin Rettalle. Monipuolisia kiinteistöalan tehtäviä

Nationwide customer service

Enquiries related to residential letting:

030 609 5555

Enquiries related to living and housing related questions:

030 609 5000

Office search

Our rental experts serve you with years of experience. Please select your nearest office and contact us

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Opening hours:

The OmaRM service for tenants

The OmaRM service is Retta Management’s online housing service channel for tenants. OmaRM is available on all common devices, even phones. You can sign in to the OmaRM service for the first time with a mobile certificate or your bank credentials. After this, you can sign in with the credentials created upon registering.

Frequently asked questions