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Use the online services
The OmaRM service is an digital housing service channel for tenants. Note! The service is not available for tenants of Ilmarinen or LocalTapiola.
Contact details
Find the contact details for the local customer service and the rental agents. Our rental experts have years of experience with which to serve you.
Leave your apartment for rent
We are happy to help you find a reliable tenant for your apartment. Leave a contact request and our agent will contact you soon!
Nationwide customer service
Enquiries related to residential letting:
030 609 5555asuntovuokraus@rettamanagement.fi
Enquiries related to living and housing related questions:
030 609 5000asiakaspalvelu.rm@rettamanagement.fi
Our rental experts serve you with years of experience. Please select your nearest office and contact us
The OmaRM service is Retta Management’s online housing service channel for tenants. OmaRM is available on all common devices, even phones. You can sign in to the OmaRM service for the first time with a mobile certificate or your bank credentials. After this, you can sign in with the credentials created upon registering.
Apartment applications are valid for 3 months
It is difficult to estimate a precise time for getting an apartment. The demand and supply vary in our different locations. Also the time of the year plays a role. Sometimes the apartment can be available immediately sometimes one needs to wait months. Thus the earlier you start looking the better chances you have
The applicant’s credit information needs to be clear and he/she needs to be able to pay the rent
The owners of rental apartments mainly choose a tenant who can live in the apartment for a long time period. Nevertheless you can contact us separately to check if we also have apartments where shorter rental periods are possible (minimum 3 months)
Usually the collateral is 1 or 2 times one month’s rent, depending on the apartment and the owner of the apartment
The deposit is given back within a reasonable time (approximately within 30 days from the day the agreement was terminated) if there is no need to recoup the deposit
Notice of termination of lease agreements must always be delivered to the lessor in writing and so that the delivery can be proved. An email notification is not enough because a signature is required for termination. A signed and scanned notice of termination form is acceptable. We recommend electronic termination of the lease agreement. Read more about terminating lease agreements >
It means that you need to make a commitment to live in the apartment for at least one year i.e. you can give the term of notice after 12 months from the date the agreement started. Nonetheless if it is necessary for you to terminate the agreement sooner, this is then a breach of contract and you are forced to pay 1 or 2 months’ rent for the lessor
The notice period starts at the end of the month during which the notice has been given unless otherwise agreed
For a lessor, the notice period is six months with lease agreements that have lasted continuously for a year and in other cases three months. For a tenant, the notice period is one month.