Code of Conduct

Eettiset liiketapaperiaatteet

Code of Conduct

Retta ’s vision is to be the leading pioneer in real estate and housing in the Nordic countries, known for its strong internal culture and values, and to provide the best customer and employee experience in the industry through continuous development and improvement.

Our work in the field of real estate management and real estate agency is based on expertise and trust. We ensure the sustainability and responsibility of our business operations by adhering to jointly agreed business principles and ethical practices. At the same time, we are laying the foundations for the company’s future success.

Retta ’s Code of Conduct applies to our day-to-day operations in all Retta business functions and companies in Finland and Sweden.

All employees of Retta are committed to the principles set out in this Code of Conduct. We also expect our partners and stakeholders to commit to these or similar generally accepted ethical business principles.

We all make big and small choices every day. By following jointly defined principles, we can ensure that the Group companies’ good reputation is maintained and strengthened.

Retta´ s reporting channel

Retta has zero tolerance for all unlawful and unethical actions. Retta has ethical business principles that it requires its employees and partners to adhere to. In case you notice or suspect any misconducts which somehow refer or reflect to Retta, please report them to our reporting channel. For us it is very important that also our business partners and sub-suppliers comply with laws and act ethically right. 

We handle all reports carefully and ensuring confidentiality, protecting the reporter. Reporter who is acting bona fide do not have to fear any harmful acts against him/her resulting from the report. Please note also that reporters and reports that fall under the scope of the EU whistleblowing directive get protection based on the directive. 

We conduct regular compliance trainings to our employees and have adequate processes, internal  instructions  and procedures for our personnel for reporting misconducts. We have had internal reporting channel in use before, but due to the whistleblower directive we opened the channel also to our partners, former employees and employee candidates use by placing the link to the reporting channel to our internet webpage. 

Making a report

You can choose whether you want to report by your name or as an anonymous reporter Please note! In case you choose to report anonymously, remember to take the handling ID. Otherwise you are not able to see our answer nor we cannot reach you in case additional information is needed. Therefore, we kindly ask you to check whether there are any information/clarification requests addressed to you. It may be impossible to investigate the matter without further information. If the reporter is acting without revealing his/her identity, the channel is the only way for us to communicate with the anonymous reporter. We do not get to know the identity of anonymous reporter in any phase.

Handling of the reports

Retta´ s compliance team coordinates the handling of the reports. According to the whistleblower directive, the reporter shall get receiving receipt within 7 days and within three months the reporter shall be informed what actions have been done/decided on the basis of the report. We aim to comply with these timeframes in relation to all received reports. Compliance team ensures that only necessary people are connected to the investigation. Processing of personal data is done according to the data privacy regulation and only to the extent necessary in each case. Compliance Privacy Statement.

Good to know

EU´s whistleblower directive protects reporter by regulating that the reporter shall be able to report without fear of any harmful consequences resulting from the report.

According to the whistleblower directive, on 17 December 2021 companies with over 250 employees shall have internal reporting tool in place, in order to able reporting of breach of certain EU level regulation and national laws given on the bases of EU regulation (i.e. public procurement, consumer protection, product and traffic safety, prevent of money laundering, protection of environment, privacy and data privacy, competition). In addition, according to the directive EU member states shall nationally establish public reporting channels. Public channel shall be coordinated by named national authority. As the regulation is given by directive, the EU member states shall enforce it by national laws. In Finland the national law is whistleblower protection act.

Suspected or noticed breaches should primarily be addressed to applicable internal reporting channel. Secondarily the report may be sent to public national reporting channel. Finally, the reporter is entitled to make the information public if for some reason internal or external channel cannot be used or if appropriate actions have not been conducted within due time after report has been given. Directive protects the reporters to the extent the report falls within the directive´s scope and is given according to the directive. 

Please note that this reporting channel is not meant to be used for customer feedback or claims. In such cases, please contact our customer service or your contract contact person.